Landing Page - Cari Kenzie

The hard part (showing up) is done . . .

Now it’s time to take radical control, tune into your true
desires, and claim what you’re worth!

Take the last step onto your NEW path by booking a call now to
see how I can help you transform.

During this no-pressure call, we’ll cover:


  • A highly personalized, No-BS approach to STOP sabotaging yourself or living purely for others (so you can live your truth and do what aligns with your desires)
  • My unique strategies to help you reclaim radical control in your life (and achieve a new level of clarity and stress-free living)
  • Why shifting your current reality to one of abundance, freedom, and independence is simpler than you think (it’s not always EASY . . . but it is straightforward with the right guidance)

Unfortunately this call is not for you if you are unwilling
or unable to make yourself your top priority.


If you are ready, please choose a time below that works
best for you and we will meet on zoom to connect


“During our first conversation I knew I needed to work with Cari. She was tough, compassionate, and exactly what I needed to get out of my own way and stop making decisions that were compromising myself.”

Lisa R.

“Working with Cari is nothing short of transformational. She helps uncover and give structure to your goals while helping you identify what is holding you back. Cari has an amazing ability to help propel you forward to the life you’ve always wanted.”

Rachel J

“After working with Cari for 6 months the anxiety was gone and I purchased the salon where I worked, making the dream of owning the collective a reality.”


“Cari called out one of my limiting beliefs during a workshop that she facilitated in my boutique. I had no idea that such a significant money block was still holding me back. It had been hiding and I was unable to uncover it on my own. She helped me clear it immediately and within weeks I experienced the best month of sales since being in business”