NGMKTG, Author at Cari Kenzie - Page 3 of 3

Displaying 14 Posts written by NGMKTG

Owning Your Experiences: The Surprising Magic Behind Every Moment

“We all have experiences and those experiences matter.” In the world of high-energy motivational talks and sessions, this phrase might sound cliché, but bear with me for a moment. How often have you looked back at an event, cringed, and hastily brushed it under the carpet? A lot, I bet. We’ve all been there, done…

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The Intuition-Driven Life: Trusting Your Inner Wisdom Over Fear

“Ego is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth,” once said an insightful thinker. But let’s begin with a question, shall we? Have you ever found yourself standing at a crossroads, paralyzed by a daunting decision? Do I stay or do I go? To move or to stay put? To risk or to…

The Quest for Clarity: Why Unclouding Ourselves is Crucial for Helping Others

If you’ve ever stumbled through the labyrinth of self-discovery, you’d know the walls are often built from bricks of past trauma, hurt, and experiences. While some find themselves lost within, others quest tirelessly to find clarity. Here’s my journey through this maze and why I believe everyone should embark on it too. Navigating The Murky…

The Hidden Stories of Trauma: A Guide to Overcoming Trauma

Ah, life. It can be a tad dramatic, can’t it? Sometimes, like the love child of a soap opera and an action film, life throws the unexpected our way. And that’s when the resilience of the human spirit shines. But today, let’s dive deep into a less-discussed side of the human experience: overcoming trauma. Not…

Trust Yourself Enough to Know… Lessons From Harry Potter

I don’t see the difference between intuition and imagination. Essentially, they are one thing. Here’s why: Our minds are incredibly creative. They are also fantastic resources and tools that are constantly processing and upgrading, looking to utilize the information they have. What often happens, though, when we have a thought we don’t like, or when…

Breaking Free from the Hamster Wheel of Life: Your Guide to Evolving

Spinning endlessly in circles, going nowhere fast – sounds familiar? Welcome to the metaphorical hamster wheel of life. But here’s the silver lining: there’s an exit sign. We’ve all experienced it – that suffocating feeling of running tirelessly on a wheel that’s taking us nowhere. The irony is, even though it might feel like we’re…