The Spellbinding Power of Words: How Dumbledore and Real-Life Showed Me Their Magic

Remember that moment when Dumbledore, in his profound sagacity, shared, “Words are our most inexhaustible form of magic, capable of both inflicting pain and remedying it”? Not just an awe-inspiring quote for your next Instagram caption, but a profound truth I’ve observed time and time again.

Energy and Vibration: It’s All Connected

Everything around us, every little thing, is pure energy – even words. If you’ve ever felt a shiver from a beautiful lyric or a pang of hurt from a carelessly spoken comment, you’ve experienced this firsthand. Every word uttered sends out a vibration, which the universe takes as a cue to shape our reality. Sound too metaphysical? Stick with me here. When we speak, we’re not just releasing air and sound. We’re broadcasting our desires, fears, and beliefs.

Unpacking Subconscious Slips

“Oops, didn’t mean to say that!” Ever caught yourself or someone else saying this? Well, as much as we love Freud, there’s no such thing as a Freudian slip. What we often dismiss as accidental reveals layers of our subconscious beliefs. As a coach, this is gold! These slips give us an opportunity to dive deep, reflect, and unearth what’s truly brewing inside.

Real-Life Magic and Cautionary Tales

Case in point: A casual car ride with my daughter, Allie. From the back seat, she said, “I just want to get in a car accident.” Before I could go full-on protective mama bear, she clarified, “Just to experience it.” Even though Allie understands the value of experiences and lessons, I had to stress the importance of being cautious with what we express. Lo and behold, the very next day, my eldest, Jacob, playfully teased her about a similar incident. Two reminders, back-to-back, about the universe’s uncanny way of echoing our words back to us.

Shifting Energy with Words

Words, much like magic spells, have nuances. Take this: Instead of lamenting, “I don’t want to lose my keys”, why not say “I want to avoid losing my keys”? See the shift from negative to positive? Another hack: Instead of circling around the question “Where are my keys?”, why not ask, “How do I find my keys?”. Subtle, but these shifts channel energy positively. The same goes for commitments. “Trying” doesn’t cut it. If someone says they’ll “try”, read between the lines.

Harnessing Word Magic for Healing

In the grand theatre of life, practicing energy shifts might sound like an esoteric backstage trick. But in reality, it’s an empowering way to harness the magic of words, akin to Dumbledore’s wisdom, to heal, inspire, and create the life we desire.

Remember, our words are the wand. How we wield them determines the magic they create. So, pick up your metaphorical quills and let’s pen down a spellbinding life narrative, one word at a time.


The Intuition-Driven Life: Trusting Your Inner Wisdom Over Fear

“Ego is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth,” once said an insightful thinker. But let’s begin with a question, shall we? Have you ever found yourself standing at a crossroads, paralyzed by a daunting decision? Do I stay or do I go? To move or to stay put? To risk or to retreat?

Life is chock-full of these giant crossroads. And as we stand there, wringing our hands, we often seek an external force for guidance. Enter: prayer. Ah, prayer. An act as old as time, a comfort to many. Yet, it’s not just about praying; it’s about how we pray.

Is Your Prayer Counterproductive?

I cherish prayer. However, I’ve seen how it can sometimes keep us static, waiting for an undeniable sign from above. We might ask for guidance, hoping fervently for a celestial arrow to show us the way. But here’s the rub: are we actually waiting for a sign, or are we cherry-picking validations for our pre-existing fears or desires? This dance between intuition and imagination is where we often stumble.

The Power of Intuition

Flashback to January 2019. I sold my business. Not because of a well-laid plan, but a surge of intuition. When a friend texted out of nowhere with an interest in buying, instead of dropping to my knees in prayer, I paused and listened to my inner voice. Four times, the same message echoed: Yes. Fast forward to 2020, the world grappled with a pandemic, and businesses similar to mine crumbled. I couldn’t help but whisper a thank you to that voice.

The story isn’t about bragging rights or foresight. It’s about recognizing that sometimes, answers are within us, waiting for a moment of stillness to be heard.

Ego vs. Intuition

Ego, the master of disguise, can veil our inner wisdom. Often mistaken for confidence, ego is, in fact, our fear in disguise, undermining our trust in ourselves and the universe. Remember, ego isn’t just about arrogance; it’s also about self-doubt.

A heart-to-heart with a client unveiled an arresting perspective – she felt she’d been perceiving God as minuscule. When we limit our understanding of the universe, our conversations with it (or God) become limited too.

Expand Your Horizon

The divine isn’t just in sacred texts or whispered prayers. It’s in the vastness of the cosmos, in the depths of our souls, in the silent whispers of intuition. Embrace that vastness. For in understanding the grandeur of the universe and our place in it, we find clarity.

To sum it up, next time you’re at a crossroads, don’t just wait for a sign. Dive deep within, and listen. You might be surprised by the wisdom you find.

Remember, “Ego shouts, but intuition whispers.” Are you listening?


5 Mistakes Female Entrepreneurs Make that Hinder Money Manifestation

As a business owner of a multi-million dollar agency, I made plenty of mistakes. Nineteen years in business allows for that. The mistakes I clearly saw were the decisions that perhaps did not turn out exactly as I wanted. What I couldn’t see at the time were the limitations that were within me, keeping my company from being the complete success I desired it to be.