Speaking - Cari Kenzie



Elevate your Event

with Cari Kenzie

A powerhouse keynote speaker whose compelling journey from Boston Marathon Bombing survivor to successful entrepreneur embodies the profound capacity of resilience and tenacity. As the former helm of a multi-million dollar marketing agency, Cari doesn’t just talk about success – she’s lived it. Her presentations, steeped in practical wisdom and actionable insights, go beyond mere speeches to deliver transformative experiences that ignite passion and foster growth. With narratives rich in overcoming adversity, igniting creativity, and championing resilience, she’s been recognized in numerous platforms including Entrepreneur Magazine and Runner’s World. Choosing Cari Kenzie means opting for a catalyst of change and a harbinger of potential. Secure the triumph of your event – book Cari today.


topic one


Breaking the Barrier at Mile 26.1

How to embrace chaos and have ‘blind courage’ to lead through change and find clarity on PURPOSE.

Join Cari in this transformative keynote…

“Breaking the Barrier at Mile 26.1” as she shares her harrowing journey through the devastation of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing to finding resilience and empowerment. This speech explores the intense challenges of overcoming deep-seated fears and imposter syndrome by embracing the raw power of vulnerability.

In her talk, Cari emphasizes the concept of ‘Blind Courage’ – the courage to face unpredictable life changes with openness and without attachment to outcomes, which paves the way for clarity in purpose and leadership. She discusses how trusting one’s intuition and inner wisdom are crucial in navigathing through confusion and chaos.

topic two
Collective Cadence Through Vulnerability

How connection, empathy, and compassion open ideas that take flight!

Explore the profound impact of vulnerability on creativity.

This presentation delves into how connection, empathy, and compassion are not just emotional states but catalysts that open up new ideas and possibilities. Cari uses personal anecdotes, scientific research, and practical insights to guide the audience on a journey of self-discovery and creative exploration.

During this engaging session, Cari unveils a 3 step process designed to tap into one’s creative potential in an aspect of life. These steps encourage participants to take inspired action s that lead to clearer understanding and more defined goals. As Cari will demonstrate, diving deep into our creative endeavors without fear of judgement or failure releases the constraints on our imagination and opens the door to new, exciting projects and ideas.

Invite Cari to Speak

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I would highly recommend Cari. She has a tremendous story of determination and the human spirit! 

Chris Burch, Race Director, Des Moines IMT Marathon

Cari blew my freaking mind with the powerful reminder that everything I need to accomplish my highest goals is already within me. A reminder to look how far I’ve come. And to create a PACT with myself to be present and gracious with myself. I would highly recommend her for your next event!

– Margaret M. Hernandez, CEO + Founder, Socialize LA

Cari was amazing at engaging our audience, bringing them into her story, and then creating a path for listeners to personalize and make use of on their own. She inspired and moved each attendee. I would highly recommend Cari. She is compassionate and energetic and helped our leadership! Cari is a powerhouse!

Jen Earle, CEO, NAWBO National

Cari brings so much wisdom, hearty and strategy in a short time. Powerful stories and implementable tools! So good. If you want to inspire, equip and empower your audience, bring in Cari!

Mitch matthews, Ceo matthews omni media, inc.

Book Cari to Speak

Ready to lead your team towards a future of unbounded potential? Let resilience guide, as Cari Kenzie reveals the boundless possibilities that lie beyond yesterday’s challenges.

Cast off self-doubt and inspire growth with insights that stir, inspire, and invigorate. Are you prepared to unleash your team’s untapped potential? Book Cari Kenzie today, and awaken to tomorrow’s opportunities.

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