Mirror Reflections: What Our Kids Can Teach Us

In the roller coaster of parenthood, we often find ourselves obsessing over how to raise our little ones. But amidst the lessons and guidance we impart, we forget one little secret: our children often end up becoming our most unexpected teachers. Let’s deep-dive into this beautiful (and occasionally bewildering) world of reflections.

Mimicry is just the Start

You’ve seen it, right? The little mimics mirroring our actions, our speech. While it’s endearing to watch our mini-mes, there’s a deeper reflection at play. They don’t just echo our behaviors; they magnify our own vulnerabilities and strengths.

Sleepless Nights and Deeper Insights

A tale as old as time, or at least as old as parenthood—our children’s sleep, or lack thereof. A client once approached me, worn out from her kids’ nighttime antics, but with an insightful query, “Am I indirectly influencing their sleep patterns?” Our chat that day took an enlightening turn.

Our overwhelming urge to be indispensable mothers often binds us into believing we must be on constant standby for our kids, even at 2 am. However, this creates an energy where our kids absorb our ‘need to be needed’ mentality. And then? Midnight wake-up calls! The fix? Dive deep. Ask yourself – when did motherhood become my sole identity?

Realign, and you might just gift your household the peace of uninterrupted sleep.

Our Kids, Our Reflective Canvas

Children aren’t just bundles of joy and energy; they are mirrors of our own psyche. Ever found yourself unnerved by a certain behavior of theirs? Instead of hastily correcting them, let’s press pause and ponder. Often, what’s triggering in our child’s behavior is a mere reflection of unresolved issues within us. It’s the universe’s way of flashing a neon sign, saying “Hey! Look here, something needs mending.”

Identifying Patterns

From moods to tantrums, from phrases they utter to actions they repeat – these are clues. Instead of dismissing them with a typical “It’s just a phase”, approach them with a researcher’s curiosity: “Interesting! Where’s this coming from?” Sometimes, it’s about recalling our own unaddressed traumas since childhood.

It’s Not Always You (and that’s okay)

While it’s introspective to look within when our kids act up, let’s remember they’re also individuals with their unique experiences. Not every misstep is a reflection of our own. My oldest, for instance, might stumble upon challenges. If I’m calm, watching him, it’s his lesson. If I’m flustered? Time to dig deeper within me.

The Freedom to Fall

From our first steps to life’s intricate dance, falling is a part of the process. If we swoop in every time our kids face a challenge, we rob them of life’s invaluable lessons. While our protective instinct screams otherwise, sometimes the kindest thing we can do is let them fall. And when they do, we’re right there – not to carry them but to guide, love, and show them the way back up.


On this shared journey of life, let’s remember our kids don’t merely inherit our features; they often reflect our inner worlds. While guiding them, let’s remain open to the lessons they unwittingly teach us. Because, in the end, when we grow, they flourish, and together, we embark on a journey towards collective healing.


Owning Your Experiences: The Surprising Magic Behind Every Moment

“We all have experiences and those experiences matter.”

In the world of high-energy motivational talks and sessions, this phrase might sound cliché, but bear with me for a moment.

How often have you looked back at an event, cringed, and hastily brushed it under the carpet? A lot, I bet. We’ve all been there, done that. But the irony is, in our effort to bury experiences, we give them the very power we want to take away.

Step 1: Say Hello To Your Experience

If you’re waiting for a groundbreaking first step, I hate to disappoint. It’s pretty simple – acknowledge the experience. You can’t rewrite a chapter in your life story if you refuse to admit it exists. It’s like trying to paint a masterpiece without acknowledging the canvas.

Step 2: Embrace Ownership, Not Victimhood

Now, this is where things get gritty. When I say ‘owning the experience,’ I’m talking about real ownership. See, you could wear the cloak of victimhood, and sometimes, rightfully so. But why be the subject of a narrative when you can be its author?

When we rage against an experience, fighting tooth and nail to undermine its influence, it’s like trying to douse a fire with gasoline. Spoiler: The fire wins.

Instead, take a deep breath, step back, and ask:

  • Why did I need this experience?
  • How did I end up here?
  • What set the stage for this moment?

For instance, had you asked me if I’d ever stand at the Boston finish line, awaiting the devastation of two explosive blasts, I’d have laughed. Yet, there I was. But life, in its complex web, often has bigger plans than our imaginations can fathom.

The Magic Behind The Scenes

There’s this all-encompassing higher consciousness. Think of it as our celestial back-up, always rooting for us. It pushes us, often into uncharted waters, because it sees potential. Potential that’s so magical, it’s almost surreal.

It’s the age-old saying: “It’s not happening to us, it’s happening for us.” But how about pushing that boundary a tad bit more? What if it’s not just happening for us but because of us? Yes, that means even those curveballs that seemed way out of left field.

When we genuinely own an experience, we align ourselves with a purpose so profound that the universe itself takes notice. By acknowledging our role in the tapestry of our life, we look at our experiences with newfound respect and gratitude.

Be The Master of Your Narrative

It’s quite liberating when you think about it. When we interact with our experiences, not as mere recipients but as co-creators, their grip on us loosens. It’s the magic of perspective. Your experiences no longer define you – instead, you define them.

So, the next time life throws a wrench in your plans, catch it, polish it, and see the reflection of a person ready to own their story. Because that, dear reader, is where the real magic begins.

This blog is dedicated to every individual who believes in the power of experiences, and to those who are on the journey of discovering it. Let’s continue to create, understand, and revel in the magic that is life.



Trust Yourself Enough to Know… Lessons From Harry Potter

I don’t see the difference between intuition and imagination. Essentially, they are one thing. Here’s why:

Our minds are incredibly creative. They are also fantastic resources and tools that are constantly processing and upgrading, looking to utilize the information they have. What often happens, though, when we have a thought we don’t like, or when a song goes on repeat, or when someone asks us a question and our mind brings something up, the first thing we say is “Oh that’s ridiculous. There’s no way that could be true.” We shove it off to the side and dismiss it.

This comes up a lot, especially in self-work. I’ll ask people to get curious about things so we’re always asking questions to open awareness. I might ask them, “When was the first time you thought you couldn’t trust yourself?” Most often,they’ll sit there and think about it. That’s the first problem, thinking about what the answer is when they’ve already gotten it. Something has already popped up in their minds – a baby in a crib, a three year old walking around with a lollipop, a child playing on a jungle gym – and they’ll think it’s ridiculous. They think, “I don’t remember when I was a baby. There’s no way that could have happened.” When they dismiss it, however, they don’t allow their mind to bring the truth, the awareness, forward. They’ve missed exactly what we are trying to find.

When I provide the question and the clear space and let the mind do the rest, it can show up in a number of different ways. It can show up as a song that repeats in your head. When that happens, you might think, “Of course it’s going to show up. I just listened to it three times.” But the verse that’s repeating in your head is trying to tell you something. That verse is actually key to opening the door to a healing that needs to occur.

Your mind is constantly showing you the way to healing, but when we discount it and say it’s ridiculous, we slowly erode our ability to trust ourselves. When that happens, the thoughts we need to recognize to heal don’t come through, and those intuitive hits or creative sparks we long for, they are clogged as well.

Now for the Harry Potter part:

I don’t want to spoil it for anybody, but after Harry dies, and he’s crossed over, he has this big, profound conversation with Professor Dumbledore about what has happened, where he’s at, and what he can decide to do, As the professor turns to walk away Harry asks one final question. “Professor, is any of this real or is it just happening inside my head?” Dumbledore responds in his infinite wisdom “Of course it’s happening inside your head Harry. Why should that mean that it’s not real.” Now, if Harry had decided to shove that aside, to think it ridiculous, he would have completely missed the choice he had the opportunity to make and the wizarding world may not have been saved.

For me, every thought, every awareness that comes to mind is begging a question. It’s asking to be addressed in some way. I don’t believe in randomness. Every thought is meant to reveal something to you. The goal for everybody is to be open and aware, because If we don’t trust what comes to mind, we are not going to trust our intuition either.



Why Bathtub Meditation is the Ultimate Life Hack for Type A Personalities

If I told you my favorite spot to meditate was in the bathtub, would you think I’ve lost my marbles? Stick with me here. Not only is it a quirky practice of mine, but it also packs a ton of wisdom. Especially if you’re someone with a dash of sass, a sprinkle of compassion, and a penchant for witty banter, much like me.

The Magic of Water and Energy

Water isn’t just the stuff we use to quench our thirst or wash away the sweat of a long day. It’s a magnificent conductor of energy, amplifying everything it touches, including our intuition. Imagine combining that with the calm, introspective state of meditation. Now, that’s where the magic happens! A water-filled tub might just be your secret chamber for unlocking insights, answers, and intuitive nudges.

Turning Passive into Active

Back in the day, traditional meditation seemed like a chore. The very idea of sitting silently for two hours, twice a day, sent my type A personality into overdrive. I mean, who has the time? That’s how my bathtub saga began. I needed a meditation that felt less like a monastic vow and more like a productive session. A doer’s form of zen, if you will.

Bathing with Purpose

No, I don’t just slip into my tub on a whim. Every dip has a purpose. Take last night, for example. My pesky eye twitch had overstayed its welcome. So, I hopped into a tub fragrant with lavender oil and salts. In that cocoon of warmth, I left my ego at the door and began my quest for answers.

One question led to another, creating a maze of thought. With every twist and turn, I found clues about my subconscious mind. The need to justify, to prove, and, at its core, to be loved. And voilà, I reached a relaxed state, ready to let the water wash away any negativity.

The Power of Trust

The bathtub is more than just a place to relax. It’s a place of trust. It’s about letting intuition guide you, trusting that the first thought, no matter how bizarre, is a breadcrumb leading you to understanding. Your mind, in all its whimsical glory, offers clues for healing and evolving. And every time we dismiss these thoughts as ‘crazy’, we weaken that intuitive muscle.

Your Invitation to Dive In

So, the next time you’re eyeing that tub, thinking of a quick soak, why not make it an introspective journey? Fill it up, slide in, and let your mind wander. Remember, all you need to do is trust.

To those skeptics rolling their eyes – give it a whirl. The worst that can happen? You’ll end up with pruney fingers and a fresh perspective. Best case scenario? You discover a powerful meditation technique tailored for the active souls among us.

Let the water be your guide. Dive deep into your thoughts. And who knows? Your bathtub might just become your sanctuary of self-awareness.




The Power of Curiosity: The Journey from Presence to Intuition

There’s a kind of curiosity that transcends merely exploring the external world. It delves deep into the intricacies of the mind, the dynamics of emotions, and the complex maze of human intuition. Allow me to unravel this a bit for you.

When people utter the word “curiosity,” the immediate visual is perhaps a child poking a beetle or an astronomer peering through a telescope. It’s often about the world outside of us. But what if I told you there’s more to it than just that? You see, my journey made me redefine my own understanding of this term. And it happened in a rather extraordinary way.

From Bombing to Being

My healing journey began post a traumatic bombing experience. While helping others heal with my techniques, I found myself guiding the vice president of a company. His declining health and increasing aggression was evident. I didn’t offer solutions. Instead, I listened, really listened. There was an exchange – not of words, but of presence. That connection, that deep mutual understanding without utterance, is what I define as presence.

Intuition: The Unseen Connection

But then something uncanny occurred. This presence morphed into intuition. I began to see while I listened to podcasts, as if these senses were inexplicably intertwined. I would focus on a topic, and it would manifest in different ways on platforms like Instagram.

Call it fate, call it a domino effect; I kept being led exactly where I needed to go. This path not only helped me diagnose conditions like Chronic Lyme disease but also steered my healing.

The Maze of Curiosity

The curiosity I revere focuses on the internal. It’s about understanding our reactions, emotions, and decisions. When faced with emotional turbulence, instead of being swept away, take a step back and ponder, “Isn’t that interesting?” and then “I wonder why?” This elevates your perspective. You start navigating the maze of your mind, rather than being trapped in it.

Your subconscious, if unbridled, will usher you towards answers. The route you take, influenced by the questions you ask, shapes your interpretation of events. Find that focal point, and everything unravels, clearing your path forward.

Let me illustrate with a personal story:

In 2015, during my trips to Wisconsin Dells for immunotherapy shots, I expected the usual fatigue post-treatment. But one time, a lingering headache caught me off-guard. Delving into the ‘why,’ I found out that the same day I got my shot, my husband faced an extensive reprimand about our family decisions. Although miles apart, I felt that energy, that rebuke. It seeped into my subconscious, translating into physical pain. Only when I confronted and processed this realization did I truly heal.

Curiosity: The Key to Unlocking Your Mind’s Maze

Navigating through the mind’s labyrinth can be chaotic. Yet, with the right tools of curiosity and introspection, you can disentangle its complexity.

So next time you’re at a crossroads, whether in life or within yourself, get curious. Dive into the maze, armed with questions, and let them guide you through. Because often, the answers lie within you, waiting to be discovered.