Exploring Self-Trust and Transformation: A Deep Dive with Dr. Lee Cordell - Cari Kenzie

Episode #18Exploring Self-Trust and Transformation: A Deep Dive with Dr. Lee Cordell

Cari Kenzie 14 December 2023

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Podcast Description:

Hey there, you beautiful souls!

This week on the Curiosity, Clarity, and Empowerment Podcast, I had the incredible opportunity to chat with Dr. Lee Cordell, a figure of strength and resilience. In our conversation, we delved into the intricacies of self-awareness, identity, and healing.

Lee shared her captivating journey, from grappling with ADHD and autism to becoming an inspiring mother and educator. Her story is a compelling narrative of overcoming adversity and discovering one’s true self.

We also explored the transformative impact of self-trust. Lee’s insights on understanding and managing emotional dysregulation were enlightening, offering us practical tools for navigating life’s challenges. A highlight of our discussion was the importance of honest communication in relationships. Lee’s open-hearted sharing about her marriage and self-acceptance journey was a powerful reminder of the healing power of authenticity.

Ready to be inspired? Hit play and join us in this powerful episode. It’s a journey of discovering the transformative power of self-awareness and the magic that unfolds when we truly embrace who we are.



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Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown:

  • 0:30 – Introduction to Dr. Lee Cordell: Meet Dr. Lee and learn about her background.
  • 4:05 – Dr. Lee’s Personal Journey: Explore what led Dr. Lee to her current work.
  • 10:05 – Understanding Addiction: Discuss the definition of addiction and recognizing self-sabotage.
  • 17:00 – Identifying ‘Numbing’ Habits: Learn how to spot habits that numb emotions and ways to reconnect with oneself.
  • 28:07 – Overcoming Internal Violence: Discussion on self-compassion and breaking negative self-talk.
  • 40:00 – Protecting Your Energy: Strategies for preserving personal energy and living life fully.
  • 51:30 – Growing in Awareness: Tips on increasing self-awareness and understanding inner harmony.

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