Unlock Being In The Moment: How to Master Presence Even With Life's Endless To-Do List - Cari Kenzie

Episode #40Unlock Being In The Moment: How to Master Presence Even With Life’s Endless To-Do List

Cari Kenzie 16 May 2024

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Podcast Description:

Hey there, beautiful souls!

Do you ever find it hard to stay in the present moment? Like your mind is always racing and thinking about your ever-growing to-do list…?

This topic surfaced during a recent heart-to-heart with a close friend and hit me full force this past week while at a cheer competition in Florida. Despite the joyous occasion of reuniting with my son and watching my daughter compete, I found myself wrestling with being fully present.

I realized, while unwinding in a bath after days filled with business calls and family time, that the root of my struggle was tied to how I value myself—not in terms of accomplishments or financial success, but in the simple, profound presence in each moment.

This revelation was powerful, illuminating not just the personal barriers I’ve placed between myself and true presence, but also the broader societal pressures that equate worth with productivity. I share this journey not to preach, but to offer a reflection on our shared experiences. We often find ourselves caught up in what we feel needs to be done, losing sight of the value in just being.

As I navigated through these realizations, I discovered that being present isn’t about perfection but about making a conscious choice, again and again, to focus on the here and now.

So, whether you’re tackling a hectic day or enjoying a quiet moment, remember the importance of being present. It’s not just about reducing stress or improving productivity—it’s about living fully, richly, and deeply.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to explore these themes further in our SHIFT membership, where we delve into tools and practices to help bring more presence into everyday life. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Until next time, remember to cherish each moment, for in the art of living, the truest path to fulfillment is found not in the hustle, but in the pause.





Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown:

  • 0:30 – Balancing productivity with being present: Sharing experiences from the cheer
    competition in Florida.
  • 2:00 – Reflections during a quiet moment in the bath on personal value.
  • 4:24 – Exploring how societal norms impact our self-value and presence.
  • 6:06 – Tips for maintaining presence in everyday life.
  • 7:47 – Discussing the benefits of presence for personal well-being.
  • 10:18 – Invitation to join the SHIFT membership for deeper learning.
  • 12:31 – Concluding thoughts and encouragement to embrace the moment.


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