Midlife Makeover: Transforming Crisis into Opportunity with Wendy Valentine - Cari Kenzie

Episode #10Midlife Makeover: Transforming Crisis into Opportunity with Wendy Valentine

Cari Kenzie 12 October 2023

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Podcast Description:

Hey there, love!

Let me introduce you to an incredible, free-spirited midlifer who is embracing an adventurous life and doing it on her terms.

At the age of 45 Wendy realized something had to change.

Lying on her bathroom floor reeling from the loss of her marriage, the death of her brother, and feeling as though all had been lost Wendy remembered that you have the power to change your world, simply by changing your thoughts. It was in the midst of this midlife meltdown that she made a decision…to take the road less traveled. Wendy chose to get up and believe in herself and know that this time, the comeback was for her, not for those around her. With an overwhelming amount of debt looming, she found a job, moved to Chicago, and within a year was debt-free and making the bold move to live out her dream.

On this episode of Curiosity. Clarity. Empowerment. Wendy shares not only her experiences but also the mindset shifts and action steps she had to take in order to live a life that is not only fulfilling but is also one that she knows will make her proud to have experienced Wendy fully in this lifetime.

Grab your favorite beverage, pull up a comfy spot, and join us as we discuss how to turn your midlife meltdown into a midlife awakening.

Remember, love, you have done and overcome some incredible things in this lifetime. Take a moment to celebrate every victory and know that you can tackle whatever it is that’s in front of you. Remember all you have to do is start…just start:)




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  • Website: https://wendyvalentine.com/
  • Facebook: http://themidlifemakeoverclub.com/
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wendyvalentine/
  • YouTube: http://midlifemakeoveryoutube.com/

Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown:

  • 0:20 Get to know Wendy Valentine!: Empowering women in midlife, being a motivational speaker, master coach, and host of “The Midlife Makeover Show.”
  • 2:16 Why “Curiosity, Clarity, Empowerment” is a way of life!
  • 3:08 Midlife Perspective: Wendy introduces the concept of “midlife coma” instead of a crisis and gives us a look at her upcoming book “Women Waking Up.”
  • 6:09 Life as a Buffet: Wendy metaphorically compares life to a buffet, encouraging people, especially those in midlife, to explore and try new things.
  • 13:34 Changing Thoughts: The pivotal moment is shared where Wendy realizes the power of changing one’s thoughts can change their world.
  • 16:27 Life Evaluation: Wendy shares a method of evaluating various aspects of life (health, family, job, etc.) and ranking them to gain clarity on areas needing attention and improvement.
  • 19:43 Pursuing Desires: Wendy shares her bold step of quitting her job and choosing a life of adventure and fulfillment by traveling in her RV.
  • 21:57 Letting Go: We dive deep into the difficulty and necessity of letting go, especially when life begins to crumble or change unexpectedly.
  • 31:58 Observing Thoughts: Wendy encourages listeners to observe their thoughts without judgment and to consciously choose thoughts that uplift rather than bring them down.

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