The Path to Wellness: Insights on Overcoming Trauma from Sara Miley - Cari Kenzie

Episode #19The Path to Wellness: Insights on Overcoming Trauma from Sara Miley

Cari Kenzie 21 December 2023

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Podcast Description:

Hey there, you beautiful souls!

In the latest episode of our podcast, we had the pleasure of diving deep into the world of wellness with Sara Miley from Full Circle Wellspring LLC. Sara’s unique approach to healing, combining personal experience and professional expertise, offers a fresh perspective on trauma and recovery.

Sara’s story is both inspiring and enlightening. She shared her journey from facing personal challenges to helping others heal and grow. Her insights into the Personalized Healing Trauma System open up new avenues for understanding and addressing trauma in a holistic way.

We also explored the importance of individualized healing paths and the power of self-awareness in the healing process. Sara’s emphasis on personal growth and transformation is a reminder of the strength and resilience we all possess.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in personal development, wellness, and the journey of healing. Sara’s wisdom and practical tips provide valuable tools for anyone on their path to wellness.

Join us in this empowering conversation and discover the transformative power of embracing your wellness journey with Sara Miley!



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Episode Minute By Minute Breakdown:

  • 0:30 Get to know the amazing Sara Miley
  • 5:00 – Sara shares her personal journey of healing and transformation.
  • 15:20 – Insights into the Personalized Healing Trauma System and its holistic approach.
  • 25:40 – The role of self-awareness in the healing process.
  • 35:00 – Sara discusses individualized healing paths and their importance.
  • 45:15 – Practical tips for personal growth and wellness.

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